Are you Lonely?

AI Companions want to help

Need a Friend? | Flux

Millions are turning to AI companions for emotional support, finding both profound connection and confusion as the AI companions blur the lines between technology and human interaction.

AI companions provide a consistent, non-judgmental source of companionship, potentially reducing loneliness and offering personalized mental health support. While in the short term we will see some benefit from people having someone to talk to about their life. I worry long-term what happens if we decide to stop talking with each other?


Fox.AI | Flux

Megan Fox is back on the screen at Netflix. Instead of partnering with Transformers, now she transforms into a robot.

London Daily breaks down the future of the various types of Ad Networks

Google’s new AI models can now analyze emotions in images. This has been a long standing goal for many AI researchers and Google appears to have cracked the puzzle.

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